By Katherine Olivetti, MA, MSSW

The workplace is a crucial arena for growth and development. Work and career call you to stretch, innovate, and develop creative solutions to interesting problems. All of these challenges invite growth and deep inside these experiences make the soul sing!

Over time, as competence, skills, knowledge, and character have developed and grown, the challenges that once grew you become ho-hum.

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When it comes to your current situation can you relate to these feelings?

  • I feel increased boredom.
  • The passion I once felt is gone.
  • I am uncharacteristically irritable.
  • I become frustrated with others easily.
  • I am over-using particular skill sets.
  • I feel taken advantage of by always being asked to do the same thing.
  • I haven’t had a great idea in a long time.
  • I am indifferent to the outcome of a project.
  • I feel like leaving the office earlier than usual.
  • I wake up tired in the morning and would rather not go to work.
  • Someone close to me has noticed that I seem unhappy.
  • I’m surfing the web instead of working on a project.
  • I have new thing I want to do.
  • I just want a change.
  • It’s time to move on.

If you’ve answered positively to many of these questions, then it’s an indication that you are probably ready to make a change…but you might be resisting doing that.

When you began the job/project/career you are in, you were gung-ho. Your enthusiasm and energy were high. The challenges captivated your interest.


Lately you’ve noticed you’re not quite as juiced or maybe you reached the pinnacle of your career and wonder where to go next.

What happened?

Human beings are hard-wired to grow, learn, and develop from the day they are born until the day they die. It was once thought that the brain was static. Today we know that it adapts and creates new connections throughout life. When the workplace no longer offers growth opportunities, competence alone doesn’t satisfy the deepest longings of a person. Resting on your laurels only feels good for a short time. Then the growing person inside begins to get itchy for a new arena.

The symptoms listed above are all signs that you are getting ready for the next chapter. You may not make a move because you aren’t sure what to do next, or you know what to do but don’t know how to make it happen, or you’re afraid to take the plunge. These are all normal responses to facing the unknown. But here it is—whatever your resistance or reluctance is about, the team of LIFE REINSPIRED is here to help you create the vision of your next chapter—your best chapter! LIFE REINSPIRED will provide the structure, support, synergy, and stimulus you need to take the steps necessary to move into your next amazing chapter.

Join us at Life Reinspired, a life reset lab for successful Baby Boomers contemplating a meaningful next chapter. Find out more and join our retreats.