It’s the holiday season, a time when spiritual values come to the fore – joy, peace, love, generosity, beauty and forgiveness.  It’s a time when we are reminded of the importance of expressing our love through words and/or gifts, and giving to those who are less fortunate than ourselves through our donations of time or money.  The best part about giving is that we receive so much in the process.  It lifts the spirit and gladdens the heart.

So in whatever way is most meaningful to you, give generously this holiday season, and embrace the moments of beauty and magic that are available to you.  And when challenges seem too much to bear, seeing all the holiday candles and lights is a great reminder that it’s in the darkness that the light shines brightest.

If expectations and the pace of the holidays get overwhelming be sure to let go and indulge in some self-care – hot tea, a warm bath, your favorite music, a book by the fire.

All of us at Life Reinspired give thanks for the personal and professional work that you do in the world to embrace your authenticity and create a next chapter in your life that is more fulfilling than the last.  By doing so your light shines brighter in the world, lifting those around you to their better selves, making the world a better place for all.

Happy Holidays!
