“Every challenging life transition is an opportunity for increased aliveness, engagement, joy and prosperity.”
– Sabrina M. Roblin
A Personal Note from Sabrina
I started my 3rd act the hard way, and you don’t have to. In 2015, I left a long-term successful career. At the time I was executive of an international training company in the San Francisco Bay Area. My love of outdoor adventure inspired a move to the mountains of Sun Valley, Idaho. I was looking forward to the play and freedom, thinking they were going to fill my life with new meaning. I quickly found myself grieving the purpose, people, challenge and structure of my corporate life and realized that just play and freedom were not going to cut it. It took me two years of struggling and research to figure out what it would take to create a meaningful and fulfilling 3rd act, and another year of work to make it real. Now I know that it takes reflection, intention, planning and action to clarify and build five essential pillars of a meaningful life. If only I knew then what I know now, I could have prepared well before I launched and not had to suffer through a multi-year transition.
You don’t have to struggle through your transition like I did. You can take advantage of my learning, experience and skill as a coach, mentor and trainer to build the bridge to your next chapter in a way that is most meaningful for you, and be inspired and guided to take the action to make it real.
I passionately believe that we are here to live, love, enjoy, create, grow and contribute throughout our lives. Using our gifts and talents fully, creates ongoing health and well-being for us as individuals, while it also has a positive impact on our family, community and world.
Psychologist Carl Jung asserted that during the first half of life, human beings focus on the outer work of developing a healthy ego to forge identity, achieve mastery, and meet the challenges of life. In later years, the focus shifts to the inner work of manifesting the undeveloped aspects of the self — parts that may have been sacrificed to meet earlier demands. Tapping into this potential has a potent impact; for many, it is the gateway to deep, spiritually satisfying life experience.

Sabrina Roblin, CPCC
Sabrina is an experienced executive, mentor, trainer, and coach. She has worked internationally with senior leaders and individuals, developing their personal and professional leadership, and helping them to successfully navigate major life transitions. She has led both in person and distance training programs in multiple locations including San Francisco, Paris, London, Amsterdam, and Beijing. Sabrina’s corporate career included Wells Fargo Bank, Broderbund Software, and time as Chief Learning Officer of the international coaching and leadership training company, The Coaches Training Institute (CTI).
Sabrina developed LIFE REINSPIRED, a program that helps people at those major transition points of mid-career and “retirement” create a fulfilling next chapter in their lives. Her past experience as a downhill ski racer and her love of the outdoors inspired her own transition from a successful corporate career in the San Francisco Bay Area to being an entrepreneur based in the mountains of Sun Valley, Idaho, where she enjoys skiing, hiking, fly fishing and horseback riding. She is a singer/songwriter who performs in her community and has been a life-long student of cross-cultural wisdom and spiritual traditions.
Sabrina received her BA from San Francisco State University and her Certified Professional Co-Active Coach Certification from CTI.
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Co-Founder Emeritus