In all my years of soul searching and personal growth, and through the research I’ve done for Life Reinspired, I’ve come to realize that underneath all that we wrestle with in life, there are only three things we really want –


Zip, effervescence, vitality, enthusiasm


To love and be loved.


The feeling that we matter, our life matters, and has purpose.

I call it ALM’s.  The dictionary meaning of alms is the food and money we give to the poor.  When we don’t have Aliveness, Love and Meaning, we feel poor in heart and spirit and in our humanness and “human-mess”, we look for all kinds of crazy ways to fill up the internal coffers so as not to feel that lack and emptiness.


ALM’s are what will truly fill you up.


The holidays are the season of the heart.  A time of generosity, kindness, love, forgiveness, gratitude, peace, joy and patience.  Capture opportunities for giving and receiving these qualities, even if they are just micro moments in the midst of a busy season.

Thank you for helping to make this a meaningful year for me.

Happy Holidays!


sabrina roblinSabrina Roblin, CPCC,  a former executive and founder of Life Reinspired, is happily enjoying her best chapter of life.  She now helps others do the same.