By Michael MacNeill

children being kind

bob and bogart

A chance breakfast with my great pal Bob Votruba and his furry friend Bogart was all it took to remind me of all those who can benefit from kindness–tender acts of service, support, or recognition.

Bob used to be a captain of industry and has the silver hair to prove it. A decade ago, he traded in the execu-life to start an organization called One Million Acts of Kindness. He and Bogart travel from state to state across the U.S. in his Kindness Bus, which receives new decorations from passers-by every time it comes to a stop. Bob constantly gets approached to make presentations at schools on what it is to be kind in action and thought and heart—and what kindness does for our fellow human souls. Bob tells and shows people a million ways to:

  • End abuse
  • Recognize and stop bullying, especially in schools and on social media
  • Support those with disabilities
  • Eliminate prejudice
  • Promote learning and education
  • Expect and give love, understanding, and forgivness
  • Act on your highest instincts

In early education schools, he speaks through Bogart and his two books about how puppies respond to love, respect and playfulness.

The longer Bob spends on the Kindness Trail, the more time he has had to contemplate what is needed in the world and what matters most to him. And a result of consciously giving others his appreciation and love, Bob is flooded with satisfaction and gratitude every day of his life.

michael and caroline and bogart

Check out Bob and Bogart’s website,, to find out when the Kindness Bus will swing through your neighborhood.

Living on the Kindness Bus is a radical departure from Bob’s former life…and it fills him with joy. As you contemplate your own next big step, be kind to yourself and others, dare to try the thing you’ve always wanted to do, and prepare to experience a wave of possibilities and fulfillment.

Here’s to your inspired next chapter—the best is yet to come.



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michael macneill

Michael Karr MacNeill is a senior advisor to Life Reinspired, a reset lab for successful Baby Boomers contemplating a meaningful next chapter of life.