“It requires so much courage and strength to endure love for the beauty of the world.”

-From Beguiled by Beauty, by Wendy Farley

I get overwhelmed by the world at times and wonder what to write that will be of value, what will make a positive difference in your day.  I’ve started reading a book by Wendy Farley called, Beguiled by Beauty that has been just on time for me given that the events in Ukraine have added to the already stressful times of the pandemic and the climate crisis.  It’s what inspired this month’s quote and blog.  It’s helping me keep my eyes and heart open at a time when I want to close them and just “not look up” (check out the movie, Don’t Look Up).  It’s reminded me of the importance of beauty, of appreciating it and creating it, in order to experience wonder and joy, and preserve our humanity.

Keeping my heart open to the suffering of the world is almost unbearable at times, and yet it’s the only way I can experience love and its beauty, and without that, life would be cold and empty.

Here are a few of my own reminders that I hope will make a difference for you –

  • Practice daily self-care, get plenty of rest.
  • Stay connected to the innate goodness in the world through loved ones, beauty, spirituality, and inspirational reading.
  • Remember the eight pillars of happiness from last month’s blog (link here).
  • Envision a better world and take actions, even small ones to make it real.
  • Set healthy boundaries around how much of the daily news you take in. I’ve started reading The Optimist Daily to balance out the negativity of the mainstream news cycle.
  • Music is one of my favorite expressions of beauty. Listen to your favorite music often and check out this month’s inspirational song below.

And remember, I would be honored to be one of the people on your support team.  I’ve added spiritual direction/guidance to my coaching practice.  There is no religious agenda.  It’s about deep listening in the griefs of life and experiencing more joy, meaning, richness and connection to the divine in ways that are meaningful to you. Contact me for a free session.

Stay well and keep looking up!


Sabrina Roblin, CPCC, a former executive and founder of Life Reinspired, is happily enjoying her best chapter of life. She now helps others do the same. Schedule a free Life Reinspired Strategy Session or email info@lifereinspired.com.